Question 4 of 4
I understand that I can expect:
High quality coaching, focused attention and firm compassion. We intentionally structure daily client load and are dedicated to continuing education and self-care in order to ensure the quality of your care and coaching time. We will be present in session and provide truth in love.
Open communication, boundaries and consistency. We'll be honest about what we see in you, what we think you're capable of and the work we believe it will take to achieve your goals.
Consistent, inspired sessions with a team of coaches that cares about you. We coordinate notes, share ideas, team together and will do our best to ensure a trained, connected coach is available to you if your usual coach is out of town.
I understand that my coaches expect:
Commitment to myself. This includes a commitment outside of the studio with homework and drills. Remember that change is both exciting and challenging, and success requires consistency and willingness to be flexible.
Open communication. It is your responsibility and right to tell us openly if your goals change, if you are uncomfortable with a movement or suggestion, or would just have more fun if we shifted focus. Your experience matters and informs our decisions about your training - having clear, continuous information allows us to help you best.